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Inclusive Practice


Wincheap has a diverse cohort in terms of ability and is unique in its provision for up to 20 children with EHC Plans for speech, language and communication disorders. Every child, whether in mainstream or the Speech and Language Department, should be included within the whole school community to their full potential, enabling relevant opportunity and experience of breadth of social and educational integration.


In broad terms, an inclusive education will impact on developing an inclusive society both in and beyond school. All children must feel valued and have their individual social, emotional and educational needs provided for, within an ethos of tolerance, acceptance and equal opportunities. Inclusion is concerned with overcoming barriers to access and participation in learning. Diversity of need presents an opportunity to support the learning of all children.


This will be the planned inclusion of children from the Speech and Language Department into their equivalent mainstream class. The children will benefit from access to the breadth of the curriculum, mainstream social groups and role models, and opportunities for all; regardless of diverse and differing needs. There are also instances when reverse integration - i.e. from mainstream to the Speech and Language Department, is appropriate and the same expectations for good practice will apply.